Shannon Dingle is a disabled activist, freelance writer, and sex trafficking survivor, and recent widow. She has written for USA Today, The Washington Post, and Teen Vogue, and her work has been featured by, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, Daily Kos, Christianity Today, NPR, Slate, and Good Morning America. Her first book will release in 2021 with Harper One. 

Posts By This Author

When Christian Schools Decry Racism While Ignoring it Internally

by Shannon Dingle 07-09-2020

Photo by Roel Dierckens on Unsplash

Parents and students across the country are challenging public and private schools to do something and not just say something.

The Coronavirus Crisis Exposes Society's Casual Ableism

by Shannon Dingle 03-23-2020

Image via REUTERS/Brad Brooks

We’re the canaries in the mine, sensing the danger before it comes, and I hope for all of us that next time you’ll listen sooner. Maybe we can all learn the words of Philippians 2:4, to not only look to our own interested but also to the interests of others, or Jesus’s command to love our neighbor as ourselves.

The Full Affirmation of Disability Justice

by Shannon Dingle 06-20-2019

Photo by mauro mora on Unsplash

We don’t know what disability justice is because we haven’t begun to reckon with our history of injustice.

Resisting Ableism in the American Church

by Shannon Dingle 11-07-2018
Sergey Kohl / Shutterstock

Going to a new church as a disabled person is a brave act. Why? Because churches have a history of being unwelcoming to us.

I love the church. I can’t and won’t give the church up, no matter how wounded I feel. Yet, I know more disabled people who have left the church than who have stayed. I know more parents who have left after giving birth to or adopting children with disabilities than who have stayed. Whenever I’m asked about Christian speakers, writers, and leaders who are disabled, I pause to think if I can add any new names to the short list.