Robert Coles was a child psychiatrist and the author of Children of Crisis: A Study of Courage and Fear when this article appeared.

Posts By This Author

From the Archives: Summer 1972

by Robert Coles 07-10-2015

Everett Historical / Shutterstock

God and the Rural Farmer 


by Robert Coles 04-01-1988

Listening to the Youth of the '80s

The Mystery Centered

by Robert Coles 12-01-1982

Meditations for Advent.

Borne Without Illusion

by Robert Coles 11-01-1982

Meditations for Advent.

The Faith Of Children

by Robert Coles, by Robert Ellsberg 05-01-1982

An interview with Robert Coles.

St. Francis of Assisi: But Exactly Where Was He Going?

by Robert Coles 12-01-1981

When my brother and I were boys we heard a great deal about St. Francis from a dear friend of ours, for whom poverty was, in itself, the highest of virtues.