Mobilizing and Policy Assistant

Renée Hogan is the mobilizing and policy assistant at Sojourners. She has prior experience in nonprofit administration, summer camp and retreat ministry, and proofreading. Originally from Williamsburg, Va., she grew up around history and has always been passionate about learning the complexities of American history and culture.

Renée recently completed a M.A. in cultural history, memory, and identity from the University of Brighton and has a B.A. in history and a B.A. in English with a concentration in writing. Her research interests include folk music in peace and protest, apathy in post-war literature, and landscape memory.

Having grown up near the James River, Renée is happiest near a body of water and enjoys spending time paddle boarding, exploring unique geological features, and reading outside. She has held many odd-jobs, meaning she is happy to teach you to waltz or make a Manhattan.