Advertising Associate

Jules Park is the advertising associate at Sojourners. She joined the staff after serving as the advertising fellow. Jules was raised in Silver Spring, Md., and grew up in the United Methodist tradition.

Jules graduated from Earlham College, a Quaker school in Richmond, Indiana. She received a B.A. in human development and social relations, with a focus on diversity and social justice. For her senior research, she participated in an ethnographic field study at a local nonprofit and studied the importance of amplifying the voices and lived experiences of disenfranchised communities in the fight for racial and economic justice. Jules is grateful to be at an organization that works on such a wide range of justice issues and is excited to contribute towards Sojourners’ long-term sustainability through the generation of advertising revenue.

In Jules’ free time, you can find her hanging out at her favorite local bookstore, seeking out the best restaurants in Washington, D.C., participating in community dance classes, taking photos, and honing her video editing skills on iMovie.