Digital Community Manager

Heidi Lepe (she/her/ella) is the digital community manager at Sojourners. She identifies as a mujerista and is the proud daughter of immigrants. Born and raised in West Los Angeles, she unashamedly embraces her dual ethnic roots as a Mexican and Honduran-American woman writing, theologizing, and speaking from her embodied experiences as a public storyteller. Heidi has served in marketing and diversity, equity, and inclusion capacities throughout Christian colleges in Southern California including Vanguard University and Latin American Bible Institute College. She has also participated in the enrollment and leadership team of the Association for Hispanic Theological Education’s Young Lideres network expanding their members of Latine leaders, seminarians, and professionals in the network. She is the founder of Brown Beloved Co., an online platform and community on social media dedicated to the flourishing, liberating life of the Latine community at the intersection of faith, cultural roots, and justice.

In her work and commitment to justice, Heidi draws inspiration from published authors, theologians and poets like Gloria Anzaldua, Justo L. González, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Howard Thurman, and bell hooks. Lastly, her work is inspired by her parents and the Black and Latine community of Los Angeles who demonstrate the beloved ethos and life of Angelenos in the margins. Heidi obtained a dual bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology from Vanguard University and holds experience in graphic design tools and social media management platforms.

When Heidi is not writing you can find her at local art shows, bookstores, hiking, or eating a good Central American breakfast at any time of day.