Danny Duncan Collum, author of the novel White Boy, teaches writing at Kentucky State University in Frankfort. 

Posts By This Author

America in Black and White

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-2009
Does the Obama era herald a post-racial United States?

The Digital New Deal

by Danny Duncan Collum 02-01-2009
Will President Obama deliver on his promises of media reform?

The Battle Over the 1960s

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-2009
Can Obama move us past the culture wars of the last 40 years?

Mountain Music

by Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-2008
Saving a Kentucky community and its culture, one kid at a time.

Looking for Truth, Beauty, and Love

by Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-2008

Fred Rogers, the creator and host of the children?s TV show, Mister Rogers?

Publishing on Demand

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2008
We may be losing interest in reading books, but plenty of us still want to write them.

For 500 years, Western culture, for better or worse, was formed by its books. Great novels have held up a mirror to the foibles and absurdities of human nature, while book-length manifestos have set the terms of political debate and social struggle (think Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, Marx’s Das Kapital, or even Hitler’s Mein Kampf).

For decades now, we’ve heard predictions that a culture founded upon the book is on its way out. The electronic culture ushered in by TV and confirmed by the Internet, we’ve been warned, would eventually render most people incapable of the kind of concentration required to really inhabit a serious book. Teachers have regularly reported a decline of interest in reading among the coming generations.

Despite these warnings, the book publishing industry marched on. Book sales kept rising. Sure, sales figures were pumped up by relentless niche marketing, fad-pandering, and Hollywood tie-ins. Still, books were moving off the shelves. But now the declining importance of print has begun to show up on the bottom line. According to a report by the Book Industry Study Group, in 2007 overall book sales barely increased at all, and would actually have declined if not for a single title—the final installment of the Harry Potter series. Publishing giants, such as Random House and Simon & Schuster, are showing declining incomes. Meanwhile, sales of books for young children are declining, which confirms the common-sense impression that, with each passing year, the place once occupied by books and reading is being filled by electronic gadgets with hypnotizing screens.

Cult, Culture, and Cultivation

by Danny Duncan Collum 09-01-2008
When we separate pleasure from responsibility, we defy nature at our own risk.

Fare for the Family

by Danny Duncan Collum 08-01-2008
Christian conservatives aim for—and hit—the mainstream sweet spot.

A Voice for the Home Front

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-2008
The Drive-By Truckers capture "the cruel radiance of what is."

'We Belong to Each Other'

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-2008
The pope challenges U.S. individualism and materialism.

The Great Digital Switch

by Danny Duncan Collum 06-01-2008
In the coming technological revolution, will there be space for the common good?

A Culture of Debt

by Danny Duncan Collum 05-01-2008
Does economic growth depend on consumer spending?

Organizing Hope

by Danny Duncan Collum 04-01-2008
Tapping the reservoirs of church and community.

Blocking the Big Mouths

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-2008
The media reform movement comes of age.

What Would Dilbert Do?

by Danny Duncan Collum 02-01-2008
White-collar life in the information age.

New Old-Time Country Music

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-2008
The Carolina Chocolate Drops keep an America tradition alive.

Want to Change the World?

by Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-2007
Ideology, without love, is worse than nothing.

A Sick System

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2007

When Michael Moore’s documentary about the U.S. health care system, Sicko, opened in theaters last June, I wasn’t feeling too well myself.

The Cult of Global Warming

by Danny Duncan Collum 09-01-2007
Corporate fixes lead to corporate control.

Reversing the Reagan Revolution

by Danny Duncan Collum 08-01-2007
It's time to bring fairness back to the nation's airwaves.