Weekly Wrap 6.14.19: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 6.14.19: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. New Look. Same Commitment.
In case you missed it, Sojourners has a whole new look — with new voices and new ways to engage. Check out the video here.

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Sojourners: A New Chapter

New look. New voices. Same commitment: faith in action for social justice. See it all at sojo.net.

Posted by Sojourners on Wednesday, June 12, 2019

2. Who Am I?
“Jesus’ baptism points to the inward reality that we struggle with every day, for our entire lives: realizing who we really are. Realizing who we are not. Spotting the dangerous counterfeits.”

3. SBC Leaders Call for Sweeping Changes to Prevent Sexual Abuse
SBC President J.D. Greear said the SBC could consider establishing a database of offenders, adding that it could be part of a package of reforms that would prevent abusers “from moving to church to church with impunity within our convention.”

4. Let There Be Light
As congregations and denominations face the reality of rampant sexual abuse within the church, a story of one pastor and congregation that addressed it head on — by refusing to let it stay hidden.

5. Hong Kong Police Use Tear Gas as Protesters Try to Storm Legislature
Violent clashes broke out in Hong Kong on Wednesday as police tried to stop protesters storming the city’s parliament, while tens of thousands of people blocked key arteries in a show of strength against government plans to allow extraditions to China.

6. The Social Justice Sector Has an Internal Racism Problem
“Women of color, and particularly black women, are often left to deal on our own with the harm of conscious and unconscious bias in the work place. But we shouldn’t have to deal with it in the first place. Here’s how the industry — and especially the executive leadership teams — can create meaningful change.”

7. Why the Government Needs to Improve Its Messaging Around Election Security
“The breach of two Florida election systems during the 2016 elections are a lesson in how not to handle election interference by foreign governments.”

8. The Writing and Rewriting of the United States
A gorgeous read: “My country is a palimpsest. The Spanish shipwrecked their religiosity upon a continent. They renamed sacred sites, using their own sacred words. The forces of erosion and conquest left only the names of the places like scratch marks as the land fell from the grips of their empire into another.”

9. The Victims’ Rights Movement Helps Prosecutors, Not Victims
“Cloaked in the rhetoric of victims’ rights, prosecutors can treat victims aas little more than cannon fodder for the broader war on crime.”

10. The Long Haul of Justice
“The world feels really heavy lately. And when things feel particularly heavy, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s ahead, to lose sight of hope. But we must remember that the work of justice has no sides and isn’t categorized neatly into political statements.”