Weekly Wrap 4.27.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 4.27.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. A Lynching Memorial Is Opening. The Country Has Never Seen Anything Like It.

From The New York Times: “’I’m not interested in talking about America’s history because I want to punish America,’ Mr. Stevenson continued. ‘I want to liberate America. And I think it’s important for us to do this as an organization that has created an identity that is as disassociated from punishment as possible.’”

2. The Crisis of Evangelicalism

Fuller Seminary President Dr. Mark Labberton attended last week’s gathering of evangelical leaders at Wheaton College to discuss the future of evangelicalism. There, he shared this honest word with them.

3. Church of The Donald

How Christian TV became Donald Trump’s most reliable media mouthpiece.

4. Weeping Responsibly: 3 Ways White Women Can Learn to Grieve, Heal, and Stand Without Harm

Much has been said over the past couple of weeks about the impact of white women’s tears. Here, the author unpacks that and offers ways to stand strong in a misogynistic culture without harming others.

5. ‘Trust Is Hard to Get Back’: Progressive Think Tank Leader Outed Sexual Harassment Survivor

Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden accidentally named the woman an all-staff meeting Wednesday — twice. 

6. Socialism Comes to Church

On a Wednesday evening last November, 100 people from across Durham packed into a full sanctuary. No one came for a worship service; they came to talk about socialism.

7. A Typical American Birth Costs as Much as Delivering a Royal Baby

Not accounting for pre- and post-natal care, the typical American birth runs about $10,000.

8. This Human Rights Activist Was Detained, Interrogated, Denied Entry. Why?

“In the treatment of Jerome Aba, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents enacted an ideology of scarcity, Islamophobia, and ‘America First.’”

9. People Are Still Paying Money to Witness Poverty

Is it ever OK for tourists to gawk at the poor? (No.)

10. Women Intellectuals and the Art of the Withering Quip

“The literary critic Michelle Dean’s new book, [Sharp], a cultural-history-cum-group-biography, examines the lives and careers of ten sharp women, among them Susan SontagJoan DidionDorothy Parker, Renata Adler, Hannah Arendt, and Zora Neale Hurston. What unites this disparate group, Dean claims, is the ability ‘to write unforgettably.’”