Weekly Wrap 3.27.20: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 3.27.20: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. In this Kairos Time, Will We Embody Church?

As we face this particular Kairos time, the church must make itself known by refusing to sit quietly by, allowing those who have long since been neglected to become expendable.

2. Don’t Overlook the Virulence of Racism Toward Asian Americans

In this moment, Chinese and Asian American communities are facing the double stress of having to reckon with the racism and xenophobia they encounter, compounded with having to deal with the virus outbreak itself.

3. Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize

We can make radical change more quickly than we imagined. COVID-19 and climate change demand nothing less.

4. ‘Wash Your Hands' Isn't As Simple for People Experiencing Homelessness

Lecrae and Pastor Terence Lester teamed up to build portable hand-washing stations.

5. I Refuse to Participate in Worship that Leads to Devastation

I can assure Donald Trump – my church will not meet on Easter. To do so, to risk the spread of coronavirus, would be a denial of my faith and a perversion of our communal worship.

6. The False Choice Between Saving Lives and Saving the Economy

Sacrifice is necessary, but it doesn’t have to be lives or our common well-being.

7. ‘Every Health Care Worker Is at Risk'

A doctor in Indiana confronts a shortage of protective equipment.

8. The Coronavirus Crisis Exposes Society's Casual Ableism

We’re the canaries in the mine, sensing the danger before it comes, and I hope for all of us that next time you’ll listen sooner.

9. Dangerous Theology: Dissecting the Faith Arguments Against Social Distancing

Despite the switch of rhetoric on the coronavirus in the past week from both President Trump and Fox News, some church leaders still refuse to close their doors. They tend to fall into a few different camps.

10. Coping with Anxiety in a Pandemic

Our breath is our life source, God within us, all day, every day.

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