A Hymn for God's People Amid Climate Change | Sojourners

A Hymn for God's People Amid Climate Change

A person walks along cracks at the partly dried up Devegecidi Dam, northwest of drought-stricken Diyarbakir, Turkey,
A person walks along cracks at the partly dried up Devegecidi Dam, northwest of drought-stricken Diyarbakir, Turkey, on Oct. 29, 2021. REUTERS/Sertac Kayar

The Climate is Changing

ST. DENIO (“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”)

The climate is changing! Creation cries out!
Your people face flooding and fire and drought.
We see the great heat waves and storms at their worst.
We pray for the poor, Lord — for they suffer first.

We pray for the animals here in our midst
who cannot defend their own right to exist.
We pray for the mountains and forests and seas
that bear the harsh footprint of our human greed.

We thank you for people who treasure the earth,
whose faith has long taught them its beauty and worth.
We thank you as well for the children and youth
who look to the future and speak out the truth.

We thank you, for leaders, courageous and brave,
who know that the earth is worth fighting to save,
who care about justice and what they should do,
who listen to science and work hard for you.

You love this good earth, and you sent us your Son!
May we love our neighbors — there’s work to be done.
May we, by your Spirit, do all in our power
to care for your earth in this critical hour.

Tune: Traditional Welsh hymn, in John Robert's Caniadau y Cyssegr (Songs of the Sanctuary), 1839
Text: Copyright © 2021 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved. Permission is given for free use of this hymn.

This hymn-prayer was written to support efforts to counter climate change, including at the United Nations conference on climate change (COP26) convening in Glasgow, Scotland, from Oct. 31  Nov. 12, 2021. The conference is the main decision-making body of 197 countries working to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions and counter dangerous climate change.