God, Come Near | Sojourners

God, Come Near

A Prayer for Advent

Loving God who draws near to us,
whose greater coming we breathlessly await:

With the audacity to hope, embolden us.
Untether us from platitudes and
increase our ability to hold complexity;
give us the courage needed for expectation.

In our yearning for justice and peace, empower us.
Amid the hovering chaos, let our lives
call forth your commonwealth;
strengthen us to enflesh our desired future.

Through fragmented truth, guide us.
Reveal the lies we have consumed and
teach us to trust the wisdom of darkness;
bring healing to the sickness of false-light.

In the emptiness and fear of this time, comfort us.
May the outcry of suffering awaken and
transform our woundedness through the way of love;
help us to extend and receive wholeness.

When the weight we carry is too much, sustain us.
Remind us of the source of life and
let simply breathing be enough;
give us grace to embrace the fullness of ourselves.

God who is ever-becoming,
Open us to the unfolding kin-dom
and meet us in our desire
to participate in you.

God of wholeness,
come and fill our hearts and minds,
and our bodies
with deep abiding love.

God our Father and Mother,
when it feels you are
beyond the limits of our longing,
come, bring us home.


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