Mayor Pete Buttigieg on the Role of Religious Values in Politics

Read a transcript of this conversation here.

In the third episode of this new season of The Soul of the Nation, the Rev. Jim Wallis interviews Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Throughout this special season, Wallis will sit down with the 2020 presidential candidates to discuss the intersection of faith and politics. The candidates explain how personal faith has shaped their passion for public service and positive social change.  

"It is my hope that discussing faith, from many different religious backgrounds, can clarify how faith will play a role in politics moving forward and further discourage this myth that the right owns religion. From unapologetically faith-forward campaigns to campaigns without a connection to faith at all, the wide spectrum of religious affiliation among the 2020 presidential candidates makes way for rich conversations about religion’s role in 2020," says Wallis. "Whether it is addressing poverty, combatting racism, or solving the climate crisis, how does faith inform the moral leadership our electorate is seeking? This special series works to answer this question and many more."

In one-on-one interviews, Wallis and the 2020 candidates try to envision how an open dialogue about faith will change our country's current political landscape and potentially embolden social action among churchgoers.