Valuing All Life | Sojourners

Valuing All Life

THE CONCLUDING sentence of "Murder in the Name of Life," by Marie Dennis ("UpFront," July 1993), bears repeating: "What is needed is a time of prayer and deep ethical/moral re-evaluation--and for open, honest, respectful dialogue across the painfully broken landscape of this debate."

This seems to be an appropriate time and place to add a few facts to the murder account of the abortionist David Gunn that the media chose to omit. The man who shot him was not a member of any anti-abortion organization. No one at the demonstration knew that he had homicidal intentions. During the 20 years of anti-abortion demonstrations, Gunn was the first and only abortionist to be killed in America. During the same 20 years, records have it that abortionists have killed about 30 million fetuses--making the score 30 million to one!

By all means the killer should be punished, but there is no point in weeping for the abortionist. He was a killer, too.

Yes Marie, you are so right! It is truly the time "for people of faith who believe in the value of all life to re-encounter the Source of life with honesty and humility."

Eleanor O. Smith

Cape Coral, Florida

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Sojourners Magazine September-October 1993
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