Our Minority and God's Majority | Sojourners

Our Minority and God's Majority

"God + me = a majority." There is real power in this statement. It's the type of power that enables a new Christian to pray his way through his hours on the job when he is suffering some of the ridicule that comes from being born of a whole new order. It's the type of power that sustains a Christian undergoing the hardship of life as an exile. It's the sense of being a part of an invisible kingdom that is marking out its foundations in a very visible, seemingly more powerful world, a kingdom that will last because its king is Jesus.

Elisha shared this sense of kingdom, this sense of majority with his servant when he opened his eyes to see the mountain filled with horses and chariots of fire (2 Kings 6:17). The writer of Hebrews shared this sense of majority with the Christians of the first century when he pointed to the great cloud of witnesses that surrounded them (Hebrews 12:1). This sense of kingdom majority and the assurance of my place in it gives me the power to accomplish God's will in my life.

But there are many people, especially we as black people, who live under a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness that comes in part from living in a racially damaged society. I call this mindset "the minority mentality."

Whenever I speak at a college campus, I always take the time to talk to those working in the minority affairs department. As I listen, what I usually hear is just a bunch of complaining. "This can't be done because these white folks are in control." "This is a problem because the college is racist."

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