Letters: Interfaith Bridge Building | Sojourners

Letters: Interfaith Bridge Building

Letter to the Editors

I want to applaud the golden words of Jonathan Kuttab in his “Principles for Prophetic Action in the Middle East” (November 2014). As Christians, we have enormous, untapped resources to immediately undertake many of the practices he mentioned, “building bridges and seeking reconciliation.”

In Canada, we are using a project called Homeless Partners. The organization’s website, homelesspartners.com, lists the personal stories and Christmas wish lists of people who are homeless. Homeless Partners enables members of the community to pledge a gift and deliver it directly to the homeless shelter with a personal caring message. This year, instead of sending only Christians into the shelters to interview the homeless about their stories and wish lists, we paired up—both Christians and Muslims—to do the interviews together. We are working together to help the poor.

Helping the poor is one of the principles that all religions have in common. What better way to bring glory to God, to love our neighbor as ourselves, and to break through the great divide? We welcome any organization to join us.                        

Jennie Keeran
Victoria, British Columbia

This appears in the January 2015 issue of Sojourners