Never Again? | Sojourners

Never Again?

I WAS STRUCK while reading the article, "Lest We Forget," (by Pam Mellskog) in the January 1994 issue. This past summer our Christian Peacemaker Team visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem. Those depths of depravity must drive us to the grounding of our spirituality or we are lost. Our faith will be tested when we are willing to be witnesses against the powers of death that strive for supremacy in our world.

Our visit to Yad Vashem came after two weeks of a nine-week stay in the Palestinian refugee camps of Gaza Strip. The parallels between the life depicted in the museum and the life in the camps were devastating. How is the cycle of holocaust broken so that earlier victims do not become the victimizers of the next generation?

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Sojourners Magazine April 1994
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