Weekly Wrap 3.20.20: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 3.20.20: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. Our Church Doors Are Shut and Our Members Quarantined. Yet Grace Abounds

Fear is not the enemy. But where our fear can lead us, that is cause for concern. Our fear can lead to a distortion of perception.

2. The Problem With Profit Motives in Health Care

We don’t have to guess at the damage that will be caused by financial barriers to care.

3. Charity Can’t Replace Social Safety Nets

The federal government is big, and it intervenes. The question is, for whom?

4. How to Talk to Your Aging Parent about COVID-19: A Thoughtful Approach to Conversations

Do consider long-term needs and challenges, but create a one-week plan — for safety, food, medicine, and other care — that can be adjusted as needed.

5. American Individualism vs. Loving Your Neighbor

“As a culture infused with the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, Americans value individualism and have a hard time understanding their role in community health measures.”

6. Plagues Expose the Foundations of Injustice

Before a plague, God always sends prophets, often sick and impoverished themselves, to tell the powerful to reject wickedness.

7. Migration and Living in a Purgatory of Injustice

Mexican American writers render their world — unrecognized and illegible — visible and legitimate.

8. The Catholic Worker Movement Finds New Life in Rural America

This younger crop of Catholic Workers is unquestionably interested in activism, but the issues they address are different from those of their predecessors.

9. Lessons from Medieval Responses to the Plague

In some cities, mistrust was widespread. In others, people came together across religious lines.

10. Loving Your Neighbor During a Pandemic, According to Kids

Christian ethicist Kate Ott collected drawings and quotes from children engaging in the topic of loving your neighbor during this health crisis. Here's what they had to say.

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