Weekly Wrap 2.15.19: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 2.15.19: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. Since Parkland

1,200 stories about the lives of 1,200 American kids killed by guns reported by teen journalists across the country.

2. The Lutheran Pastor Calling for a Sexual Reformation

In her new book, Shameless, Nadia Bolz-Weber sets out to build a sexual ethic around human flourishing rather than around rules encoded by men centuries ago.

3. I Will Be an Impatient Prisoner of Hope

I will hew to the small faithfulness that requires work and action, without the certainty that mountains can be moved.

4. These Women Advance Dr. King’s Mission By Reclaiming the Black Church’s Civil Rights Legacy

Despite the black church remaining a male-dominated space, Thames said women have always been the foot soldiers of the church — from the people in the pews to running Sunday school and cooking post-service meals in the back.

5. Why Does the Catholic Church Keep Failing on Sexual Abuse?

Cardinal Seán O’Malley has spent decades cleaning up after pedophile priests. Now, he’s once again found himself in the middle of a crisis.

6. Is the Work of Deconstruction Violent or Fruitful?

Is deconstruction different for black, Indigenous, and people of color than it is for white people?

7. Why We Confuse Race and Ethnicity: A Lexicographer’s Perspective

On our evolving understandings of racial categorization and cultural identity.

8. The Problem is Sinful Masculinity, Not Effeminacy

Rigid gender performance is a cultural construct, not a divine decree.

9. Don Mallory Is the Oldest Story in Publishing

The explosive story of a con artist editor lays bare the everyday lies publish tells itself about who deserves to succeed.

10. How Urban Agriculture Can Improve Food Security in U.S. Cities

Urban farming can make it easier for city residents to obtain healthy, affordable food. But to raise big yields from small pieces of land, farmers need training and support.

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