#FergusonTaughtMe: What People of Faith Have Learned Over the Past Year | Sojourners

#FergusonTaughtMe: What People of Faith Have Learned Over the Past Year

a katz / Shutterstock.com
Activists march in New York City on October 11, 2014 in solidarity with renewed protests in Ferguson, Mo. Photo via a katz / Shutterstock.com

One year after the shooting and killing of Michael Brown, #FergusonTaughtMe has been trending on Twitter. Activists, faith leaders, intellectuals, and members of the movement have used the hashtag to explain how Ferguson fundamentally altered their racial consciousness.

Embedded below are a few tweets from Christian leaders who shared how Ferguson changed the way they do faith. Common themes among their tweets include the importance of embodying theology outside the church, the value of community in the fight against racial injustice, and the role of social media in movement building.

What did Ferguson teach you?