FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                          

February 24, 2022 

Contact: Jessica Felix Romero |  

Sojourners Condemns Russian Attack on Ukraine 

Faith Communities Committed to Peacemaking and Oppose Military Escalation 

Washington, D.C. - Sojourners unequivocally condemns the Russian government’s unjustified attacks on its neighbor Ukraine. Every nation has the right to self-determination and the right to live in peace alongside its neighbors —rights that President Vladimir Putin has recklessly violated. Sojourners also condemns in the strongest possible terms Putin's veiled threat to use nuclear weapons.  

“We pray for civilians in Ukraine, that God will keep them safe, including those in the Ukrainian Church and beyond who have committed to active nonviolent resistance to Russian aggression. Most of all, we call for the de-escalation of violence, as our faith in the Prince of Peace and his teaching ‘blessed are the peacemakers’ compel us to assert that war and violence are never the answer, even as we recognize that Putin must be held accountable for his aggression through non-military means. While sanctions can have harmful consequences, we believe in this moment that more severe targeted sanctions are the best tool to impose the kind of consequences that could compel Putin to reverse course. Now is a time to renew our commitment to nonviolence and peacemaking, not abandon them for a militaristic path that risks further catastrophic escalation. Now is the time to amplify our prayers and translate them into courageous action to wage peace,” said Rev. Adam Taylor, President of Sojourners.  

Sojourners stands in solidarity with those promoting peace and encourages the international community to pressure Russia to engage in dialogue and diplomacy. Yesterday, Sojourners joined with a diverse group of multifaith leaders and organizations in a  prayer vigil for peace.