In response to yesterday’s New York Times article “Evangelical Leaders Are Frustrated at G.O.P Caution on Kavanaugh Allegation”, founder and president of Sojourners released the following statement:  

"Journalists Jeremy W. Peters and Elizabeth Dias correctly note that the Kavanaugh nomination is absolutely key to the agenda and the political legacy of the Religious Right of the past 40 years—which is now at its apex. But let’s be perfectly clear: no Christian should favor “pushing through” a lifetime appointment for Judge Kavanaugh without a full and fair examination of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations that he sexually assaulted her. To not want to listen to Dr. Ford’s credible accusation of sexual assault, or to not even care whether or not it is true and be determined to confirm Judge Kavanaugh either way—is decidedly un-Christian. And based on the facts that have been made public so far, to listen to Dr. Ford’s story and not believe her story deserves to be told at this point is a choice made based on political allegiance, not one based on a sincere desire to know the truth of what happened. 

It’s also the case that the message of how the “evangelicals” want to rush the Kavanaugh decision-making process isn’t fully true—but is true only for significant majorities of white, male, and older evangelicals and not even all of them—merely those who have declared and aligned themselves as Trump’s court chaplains. 

The voices of those white male older evangelicals from the Religious Right and Trump’s supporters DO NOT speak for all evangelicals. 

Many and perhaps most Christians (including a more accurately and more widely defined large group of cross-generational diverse evangelicals) believe that listening and caring about the stories of women who are survivors of sexual and domestic violence is crucial. These voices must not be silenced."

Earlier this week, Sojourners released the results of their new survey on pastor’s attitudes regarding domestic and sexual violence. The results clearly document issues of domestic and sexual violence are important to pastors all over the country, and awareness and resources related to these issues in the church are increasing significantly in the #MeToo era.